

APRIL  11, 2024



Call to order at 7:00 p.m.

Motion to approve agenda by Brockway, 2nd by Morris motion carried

Motion to approve March minutes by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried

Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried

Town Chair remarks:   attended virtual WTA district meeting, Agenda items 6’and 20’ culvert program; ARIP $150M allocated must have weight limit posted for 1 month, Township did not qualify. Shared revenue Act 12; BOR training

Reports:  No patrolman report. Ask owner of property adjacent to Hen Peck if road should be discontinued?

LRFD no report

RCFD  report on file

Lis Pen Des/Raze order David King property:  Petition to supervisors to follow through on raze order. File with Register of Deeds office with $30.00 fee. Motion by Bartow 2nd by Brockway to move forward with procedure, motion carried.

Online banking access, motion by Bartow 2nd by Brockway motion carried

Gotham Park Fire Number:  Application to be sent to Richland County Zoning with $100.00 fee, motion by Bartow 2nd by Brockway motion carried  

Petition for Engine Braking:  Clerk to draft Ordinance and file with WDOT present at May meeting.

Gabe Williams: No action taken

Lions Club: Received  Application for Temporary Class B Beer license ( Picnic), and applications for operators license

Shawn Underwood/Rachel Stanley:  motion to approve Class B Beer/Class B Liquor by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried

Open Seal Coat/Gravel Bids:    Scott Construction – single seal: 1 mile  $19,583 double seal 1 mile $39,166.      Farhner-single seal: $19,985 double seal $39,970. Motion to accept Scott Construction bid by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried

Motion to pay bills by Bartow 2nd by Morris, motion carried

Citizen concerns: none

Motion to adjourn by Brockway 2nd by Bartow motion carried

Van Nelson          Clerk



Present:R.Olson;T.Dougherty;C.Willis;D.Willis;L.Glassbrenner;P.Warner;Pellets;J.Kleckner’A.Rose;G.Brockway;B.Brockway; r.Morris;V.Nelson.M.Nelson;F.Bartow

Call to Order by Chair Bartow at 7:00 p.m.

Motion to approve agenda postings by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried

Motion to approve February 2024 minutes by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried

Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried

Randy Olson road patrolman report:  decision to be made on Hen Peck (gravel & Maintain or discontinue). Trees trimmed on Garrelts Ln.

Lone Rock Fire Dist.  No report

Richland Fire Dist. Short meeting   no report

Administrator Loren Glassbrenner RVSD pamphlets handed out school referendums. Took questions from public.

Rural Mutual Insurance , Tony Dougherty overview of policy. Discussed workman’s comp, 24 hour nurses triage on line. Policy needs identification numbers of voting machines. Motion to approve payment with changes by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried

Lis Pendes and Raze order for David King property:  motion by Bartow to move forward with both documents,  failed due to lack of a second.

Buena Vista Lions Club: clean up available for those unable to collect and transport items to Town & Country  location.  Lions Club personnel will also help unload items at dumpster site.

Motion to have clerk advertise for Seal Coat and Crack Filling price per mile , bids available on or before April 11th 2024, by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried

Motion to pay bills by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried

Citizen concerns:   smoke from DNR burn in Iowa County, those interested may call DNR 608-267-0866. It was mentioned that Lone Rock EMS does not have insurance when on call. Citizen request that supervisors be more respectful and not talk over constituents when they are talking.

Motion to adjourn by Bartow 2nd by Brockway motion carried

Van Nelson




Present:R.Klingeman;D. Willis;C.Wiilis;C.Knothe;R.Olson;Vnelson;Fbartow;Bbrockway;Gbrockway;Rmorris;M.Nelson

Call to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Bartow

Motion to approve agenda & postings by Brockway 2nd by Morris

Motion to approve January minutes.  no response from supervisors, Bartow makes a motion to approve minutes 2nd by Morris. Brockway questioned the Statute quoted in the minutes SS:66.0625 this should have been SS:66.0628 however SS: Chapter 66 contains General Municipality Law which applies to all statutes in that chapter. Correction added to minutes motion passed.

66.0628  Fees imposed by a political subdivision.

(1)  In this section:

(a) “Political subdivision” means a city, village, town, or county.

(b) “Reasonable relationship” means that the cost charged by a political subdivision for a service provided to a person may not exceed the political subdivision’s reasonable direct costs that are associated with any activity undertaken by the political subdivision that is related to the fee.

Motion to approve Treasurers’ report by Morris 2nd by Brockway motion carried.

Chair Remarks:  WisDot Culvert Inventory & Inspection by April 15th, 2024.  WTA recommended Delmore Consulting conduct the inventory phase of the program. Other documents were available for supervisors from Delmore Consulting.  After some discussion motion by Brockway 2nd by Morris to contract with Delmore Consulting motion carried.

Road Patrolman:  Set date for Road Tour for March 6, 2024, 1:00 p.m. Motion to approve by Bartow 2nd by Brockway motion carried.

Lone Rock Fire District report on file

Richland Center Fire District   no meeting

David King Raze Order:  Raze Order presented to supervisors for determination, Letter from Attorney Eileen Brownlee explaining, “I do not see liability for the Town here unless it fails to follow through with razing the building within a reasonable time, also a lis pendens registered with County Register of Deeds prohibits the sale of the property without the raze order. Supervisors showed no interest in resolving this issue, and no action was taken.

Dot.Gov Email domain:  This is a must have for all government entities. Clerk will look into this further

Chair Bartow issued a request for a list of all township owned equipment in the homes of town officials by February 16, 2024, ie Printers, computers other devices, need make, model, ser. No’s Chair Bartow also reminded supervisors of a $9,000 budget for devices for officials, also video equipment (OWL) for virtual meetings and video conferencing. Supervisors had no interest in personal devices such as I pads at this time.

Attorney Eileen Brownlee informed the Township of her retirement in May, 2024

The Town Board approved a date change for March Meeting to accommodate the River Valley School Administrator Loren Glassbrenner presentation of school plan. Date will be March 13, 2024, 7:00 p.m.

         Motion made by Brockway 2nd by Morris motion carried.

Motion to pay bills by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.

Citizens concerns:  Public sees a lack of cooperation among the supervisors, officials should do the job they were elected to do without personal agendas. Why ask for attorneys’ opinion if you don’t accept it. These personal concerns and not subject to rebuttal or comment.

Motion to Adjourn by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.

JANUARY 11, 2024
Present:M Nelson,CWillis,Heather,GBrockway,BBrockway,RMorris,VNelsonF,Bartow
Call to Order at 7:00 p.m, by Chair Bartow
Motion to approve agenda & postings, no response from supervisors, Chair Bartow moves to approve agenda, no response for 2nd Chair asked for 2nd again, Brockway 2nd, motion carried.
Motion to approve December 2023 minutes no response from supervisors, Chair Bartow moves to approve December 2023 minutes, after a second request 2nd by Morris, motion carried.
Motion to approve Treasurers’ report by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Chair remarks: Delinquent garbage fees may no longer be collected, this has been in violation of SS. 66.0625, and will cease immediately.
Patrolman : Mr. Olson not present – Fire Districts: no reports
King property Raze order: E-mail communications were presented to the board, some was read through by Chair Bartow, supervisors reviewed the correspondence dating back to 2022. When asked for a decision neither supervisor had an opinion or statement, there was some conversation as to the township’s liability for cost of razing, this was covered by the email communications. Clerk was advised to send message to towns attorney for opinion.
FRP Audit update: there were 3 replies from firms but none were able to schedule. Also was recommended we hire certified fraud examiner for an internal financial audit.
Motion to pay bills by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
All town officials will be paid monthly as of January 1, 2024
Supervisor Morris will receive correction to salary in February .
Motion to adjourn by Bartow 2nd by Morris, motion carried.
Van Nelson



Present:  R.Olson;L.Olson;C.Willis;Heather;F.Bartow;G.Brockway;R.Morris;V.Nelson;B.Brockway;J.Kleckner;M.Nelson; 

Call to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Bartow 

Motion to approve Agenda by Chair Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried 

Motion to Approve November minutes by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried 

Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried 

Chair remarks:  appointment of Election officials (Karen Gald;Marie Nelson;Sandy Bindl;Lorraine Servais;Katy Kleckner 

Reports:  Randy Olson reported Henpeck Ln has been graveled for the winter, 6 loads applied will continue to maintain 

                 Lone Rock fire district no report until next month.    Richland Center fire district report on file 

Marty Grell request for variance was approved, motion by Morris 2nd by Brockway motion carried 

Logan Olson variance for billboard on Hwy 14 & Schuerman Rd, was approved, Motion by Bartow 2nd by Brockway motion carried 

Motion to pay bills by Bartow 2nd by Morris, motion carried 

Citizens Concern:  Ask for Hall rental calendar be placed on website 

Motion to Adjourn by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried 

Van Nelson 


Present: C,Willis;R.Olson;K,Kleckner;J.Kleckner;M.Nelson;B.Voyce;B.Brockway;R.Morris;V.Nelson;Heather;T&C.
Call to Order at 7:17 by Chair Bartow
Motion to approve agenda postings by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Motion to approve October minutes in lieu of printed copies by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Motion to approve Treasurers’ Report by Chair Bartow 2
nd by Morris, motion carried
Town Chair remarks: Chair presented newsletter for 2024 with Budget printed on back to be sent with tax bills.
Reports: Randy Olson need for salt and sand mix
Lone Rock & RC Fire Districts no reports
Buena Vista Lions Club: Jake Kleckner reported on Halloween party was successful with 75-80 kids and adults
Donation of pumpkins resulted in $300 in donation to Richland Area Food Pantry plus food donations, $267 in
receipts for bake sale. December 12th bowling at Phoenix Center from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m… Request to rent hall
for December 9th for pancake breakfast but hall had been rented for that day
Garbage – Recycle: Chair Bartow read proposal from GSL Southwest Sanitation from Viroqua. Proposal from Town
& Country also presented. Both proposals were discussed. Supervisor Brockway made a motion to accept the
proposal from Town & County Sanitation 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Ithaca First Responders: Motion by Chair Bartow to approve payment of $1118 for insurance coverage to Ithaca
First Responders 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
2024 Budget: Motion by Chair Bartow to approve 2024 budget with added lines for revenue of Town Hall rent
$500, and 2% Fire Dues for emergency services 2nd by Morris motion carried
Motion to pay bills by Brockway with amendment to bill for treasurers’ supplies from $756.48 to $500.85 2nd by
Bartow motion carried
Citizens’ concerns: $100 check received from Gotham School alum reunion to go to Buena Vista Lions Club
Motion to Adjourn by Morris 2nd Brockway, motion carried
Van Nelson

A.Rose;R.Olson;J.Klecckner;Pelletts;Warner;B.Jones;M.Nelson;B.Voyce;G.Brockway;B.Brockway;R.MorrisF.Bartow;V.Nelson;L.Glassbrenner & Guest
Call to order by Chair Bartow at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to approve agenda posting by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Motion to approve minutes as amended by Bartow 2nd by Brockway motion carried. Supervisor Brockway requested an amendment to change the billing name from Lone Rock EMS to Village of Lone Rock. After contacting the Village of Lone Rock, they will accept checks for EMS with numerous combinations of EMS & Village of Lone Rock.
Motion to approve Treasurers’ Report by Bartow 2ndy by Brockway motion carried
Special guest speaker Administrator Loren Glassbrenner from River Valley School District gave a presentation of the Strategic Plan for 2023 – 2028 Overview. Handouts were presented for public information, information also available at https://www.rvschools.org/district/rvsd-faciities-study.cfm
Town Chair remarks must include ear marks for content on agenda
Road Reports: Hen Peck will go back to gravel road. More gravel for boat landing. Request a letter be sent to Ronald Kisting 28530 Fruit St. 00631500651 for removal of RV’s on road right of way. Motion to approve above actions by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried. Lone Rock & RC fire district reports on file.
Motion to approve Denman CSM filing by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Motion to approve Bobby Jones request for variance by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Assessors Agreement & Proposal (2024 reassessment $57,000; Annual assessment $12,600; nine installments of over three years $9,100 for 6 years $9,200 for 3 years. Motion to approve agreement by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Independent Audit, 2nd time brought before the board. Attorney Ruth WTA recommends periodic audit when new programs are initiated or new boards members. Motion by Bartow to draft a request for proposal from audit firms to bring before the board motion to approve by Bartow 2nd by Morris, motion carried.
Budget Workshop scheduled for October 25th 6:00 p.m. motion to approve by Brockway 2nd by Bartow.
Motion to approve purchase of Secure mailbox for clerk not to exceed $150.00 by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Motion to approve street closure permit for Buena Vista Lions Club by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Adopt amendment to Ordinance 2008-1 to change from ½ after sunup to ½ before sunup to: operating hours daily from 4a.m. to 11p.m. year-round. All-terrain vehicle operation on designated routes outside of these hours is strictly prohibited. Motion to approve amendment by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Motion to pay bills by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Motion to adjourn 8:16 p.m. by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Van Nelson

Call to Order by Chair Bartow at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to approve agenda & postings by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Motion to approve July minutes by Brockway, 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Motion to approve Treasurers’ by Chair Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Chair remarks: Jewel & Associates will help with grans for road improvement projects
Budget Workshop:Letter from Sen Marklien there will an increase in shared revenue for 2024-2025
Frank from DOR says there will be revenue from Bear Creek Solar Farm later this fall
Road patrolman reports that Munz Road is complete. Storm damage to trees on Dillon Rd. Pulvermacher
doing clean-up.
Lone Rock Fire Dist. Reported budget items. RC Fire Dist. report on file
Wistar win clerk program is coming along – clerk has had several emails and phone calls with Marilyn
Bhend the installer and trainer for the program. New program will start in January 2024.
Buena Vista Lions lease was reviewed by Attorney Eileen Brownlee there will be some minor changes
and Ms. Brownlee will re-write the lease for September meeting
Home Free Mowing Contract should be reviewed before lease is ready
Resolutions: Town Board, Clerk, Treasurer, Chair duties taken from statutes pertaining to each and the
town as a whole.
Resolution 2023-1 Supervisor duties, motion by Chair to approve – no reply from the board,
motion died for lack of second.
Resolution 2023-2 Chair duties, motion by Chair to approve – no reply from board, motion died
from lack of second.
Resolution 2023-3 Clerk duties, motion by Chair to approve – no reply from board, motion died for
lack of second.
Resolution 2023-4 Treasurers’ duties motion by Chair to approve – no reply from board, motion
died for lack of second.
Misc. Expense resolution for (office supplies,stamps,envelopes,cleaning, etc. Motion to table by Morris
nd by Brockway, motion carried. Attorney will draft ordinance for future use.
Per Diem/Salary schedule will be presented at annual meeting
Road tour date postponed until September meeting
Motion to delete July item to discontinue safe deposit box and continue to leave it open and new
custodians will be Supervisor Morris and Treasurer Brockway by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.
Citizens concerns: Question was raised who has authority to enforce signs at boat landing.
Barb Voyce requested an external audit of Buena Vista Funds – she asked that it be on September
Motion to pay bills by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Motion to Adjourn at 8:46 by Chair 2nd by Morris motion carried
Van Nelson


JULY 13, 2023  MINUTES 

Present: A.Rose;A.Eggers.Warner;C.Morris;B.Voyce;M.Nelson;F.Bartow;G.Brockway;R.Morris;B.Brockway; V.Nelson;R.Olson;Kleckner;J.Ringelstetter 

Call to Order at 7:03 by Chair Bartow 

Motion to approve agenda postings by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried 

Motion to dispense reading of June minutes in Lieu of  printed copies by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried 

Motion to approve Treasurers’ Report by Bartow 2nd by Morris, motion carried 

Alan Eggers request for variance re-zone  no action taken 

Alex Rose offered BV Lions Club intentions:  to improve buildings at Gotham Park as well as the ball diamond, future new playground equipment, used as a place for kids to congregate.  Lions have a blanket insurance coverage which prohibits alcohol and some forms of racing. Rose offered the insurance policy and a lease agreement for the Towns’ attorney review. Motion to move those items to the attorney by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried 

Field road permits.  no action taken 

Boat landing aid available clerk will send Randy Olson bill to DNR, motion to approve aid by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried 

Wistar win clerk program $800 w/training & installation. 500 checks & 500 envelopes  motion to purchase using ARPA funds by Floyd 2nd by Brockway,motion carried 

Safety deposit box, motion to discontinue when rent due, motion by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.  Contents of safety deposit box presented, motion to secure in town hall safe by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried. Town hall safe combination assigned to Treasure & Chair, motion by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried. Online banking tabled, motion bay Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried. 

Clerk will supply materials to supervisor for road ratings for WISLR report 

Motion to approve revised per diem/salary forms by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried 

Motion to allow $50 per month for cleaning supplies by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried. 

Budget workshop date for special meeting set for August 16, 2023 6:00 p.m. motion to approve by Chair 2nd by Brockway, motion carried 

Motion to pay bills by Chair 2nd by Brockway, motion carried 

Public concerns:  Make roads a standing agenda item. Powers & duties of town officials.Lions Club responsibilities. 

Motion to adjourn by Morris 2nd by Chair, motion carried 

Submitted by 

Van Nelson 


Present: C.Morris; Fahrner Rep; R.Olson; P.Warner; L&B Pellett; A.J.Christianson; M.Nelson; B.Voyce; T.Lube; T.Scott; Nicolew/Valley Sent. F.Bartow;V.Nelson; G.Brockway;R.Morris;B.Brockway; C. Willis
Call to Order by Chair Bartow at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to approve agenda/postings by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Motion to approve May minutes by Brockway 2nd by Bartow, motion carried
Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Town Chair comments: recommended training from WTA for town officials. New direction for town more transparency, job duties from last month.
Taylor Scott (Valley Sentinel) overview of papers goals and purpose.
Request of variance for Travis Lube for shed on second lot on Donna Mae Lane, motion to approve by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.
Rock bids for Munz Rd. A motion to re-approve contract with Bindl/Bauer by Morris 2nd by Brockway motion carried
Crack filling bids from Scott Const. And Fahrner Asphalt we opened. Bid was awarded to Fahrner at $10,400.00, motion to approve by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Per Diem & salary schedules – motion to table until July 13th meeting by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Wistar Win (clerk software program) presentation on video by Marilyn Benz creator of program went through each section up to CT filing. The Town of Buena Vistas’ copy of this program is still limbo that was bought in 2010. Ms. Benz may have a reduced offer for us.
Application of liquor license for : Wyoming Saddle Co; The Bat Cave; DJ’s Kwik Stop motion to approve by Bartow 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.
Gotham Park equipment: advised by Insurance company to remove to include cast iron grills, motion to approve by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Gotham Park: Clerk reported that latrine may be used in place of port-a-potties. Some maintenance and painting will be required money is available through private donations. Cost to the township will be $260.00 for pumping at end of summer season which is considerable savings from $1400.00 port-a-potties.
Randy Schmidt overpayment went into lengthy discussion with no resolution but certainly requires a look at payment schedule.
Motion to Pay bills by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Items for July agenda: Job descriptions, salaries, for town officials; Lions Club, cleaning supplies
Motion to adjourn by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Submitted by;
Van Nelson

MAY 11, 2023 MINUTES
Present: T.Luge;Bindl Bauer;p.Werner,L.Pellet,B.Pellet;B.Voyce;Jewel & Associates;DOT Rep.;F.Bartow;G.Brockway;R.Morris;V.Nelson;B.Brockway;R.Olson;M.Nelson
Call to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Bartow
Approve agenda posting: Supervisor Brockway questioned which agenda posting to approve, response from clerk the last one posted. Motion to approve by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.
Approve April Minutes as read: no response from board. minutes will stand as read.
Approve Treasurers’ Report: Motion by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.
Jewell & Associates, Mike Bakalars and DOT project manager gave a presentation on STH 60 Project. Information on this project available on Wisconsin DOT website ;WIS 60 Muscoda – Gotham map, overview.
Town Chair Remarks:. Moving forward, there are many changes ahead to be sure the current dificiencies are corrected. I will be addressing these changes as agenda items throughout the next several months. These changes will take time and work amongst the board but I expect full cooperation from everyone throughout transition.
Job Duties & Responsibilities for Board Members – Per Diem Schedule – Per Diem Budget – Per Diem Reimbursment Form will be addressed at future meetings as agenda items
Appointment as Lone Rock Fire District Representative — Chair Bartow no Per Diem
Lone Rock & Richland Center Fire Unit Minutes on File.
Bids for 1.25″ rock delivered and spread, .75″ gravel for shouldering from Bindl-Bauer & Milestone Materials were opened and reviewed by the board. After some discussion to clarify contracts, motion was made by Brockway 2nd by Morris to accept Bindl-Bauer bid, motion carried.
Clerk will advertise in county paper for Crack Sealing Bids for Moss Hollow Rd for June meeting.
April election review by Chief Inspector Marie Nelson: There had been some comment by board members that election workers were being paid to much. So Ms. Nelson responded with a hand out showing total hours and wages and the hours and time spent outside of election day to prepare for an election.
Mike Downey requested a pass through vote for variance of a lean to on his property on Rohn Hollow RD. motion by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.
June Agenda add Travis Lube for variance for garage building.
Motion to pay bills by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.
Motion to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.
Submitted by
Van Nelson Town Clerk

MINUTES 04/13/2023
Present: R.Schmidt;G.Brockway;R.Morris;V.Nelson;B.Brockway;R.Olson;D.Ewers

Call to Order by Chair Schmidt at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to Approve Agenda Postings by Chair Schmidt 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to Approve March minutes by brockway 2nd by Mrris, motion carried.
Motion to Approve Treasurers’ Report by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.
Dale Ewers request a pass through approval of variance to Richland County Zoning on his property on Logan Road. Motion to approve by Chair Schmidt 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.
Lone Rock & Richand Center Fire Department Reports on file.
Ordinance 2023 (3) NR 5.15 Wis. Adm. Code Bridge Construction River Channel Closure Ordinance for Kraemer NA Lone Rock Bridge Project. Motion to adopt & publish ordinance under s.60.80, Wis. Stats by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.
Date for Road Tour set for April 19th 8:30. a.m.
May 20th date for town Clean – Up Dumpsters locacted at Town & Country Sanitation in Lone Rock.
Motion to Pay Bills by Chair Schmidt 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to Adjourn at 8:53 p.m. by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.
Van Nelson

Call to Order by Chair Schmidt at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to approve agenda postings by Brockway 2ndby Morris, motion carried
Motion to approve February minutes by Brockway 2nd by Morris motion carried
Motion to approve Treasurers’ report by Morris 2nd by Brockway motion carried
Lone Rock & RC fire department reports on file
Juanita Kilby request for variance set back for new home, motion to approve by Brockway 2nd
by Morris, motion carried
Ordinance for Kraemer Lone Rock bridge project approved, motion by Morris 2nd by Brockway
motion carried
O’Donnell/Roecker approved for re-zoning 5 acres pass on the Richland County Zoning, motion
by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Motion to approve lawn mowing contract with Home Free Mowing by Chair Schmidt 2nw by
Brockway, motion carried
ARPA funds…moved to April meeting
Motion to pay bills by Chair Schmidt 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Motion to adjourn by Chair Schmidt 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.



Present: R.Schmidt;G.Brockway;R.Morris;V.Nelson;B.Brockway;R.Olson;K.Edgerley;K.Edgerley

Call to Order by Chair Schmidt at 7:04 p.m.

Motion to approve agenda postings by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.

Motion to approve December minutes by Morris 2nd by Brockway motion carried.

Motion to approve Treasurers report by Morris 2nd by Brockway motion carried.

Ken & Karen Edgerley requested to re-zone 5 acres to residential Ag on Dillon Rd. Motion to approve and move to county zoning by Morris 2nd by Brockway motion carried.

Lone Rock & Richland Center Fire Department reports on file.

Motion to pay bills by Chair Schmidt 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.

Motion to adjourn by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.

Submitted by

Van Nelson




present: R.Schmidt;V.Nelson;B.Brockway;G.Brockway;R.Morris;R.Olson

Call to Order by Chair Schmidt at 7:02 p.m.

Motion to approve agenda posting by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.

Motion to approve October Minutes, wave reading in lieu of printed copies by Chair Schmidt 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.

Motion to approve Treasurers’ Report as read by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.

Lone Rock Bridge Ordinance (Ord 2022-4)required by Wisconsin DNR was presented to the town boardfor approval. Discussion of purpose of ordinance and application followed by motion to approve by Chair Schmidt 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.

Motion to approve final draft of 2023 Budget by Chair Schmidt 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.

Motion to pay bills by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.

Motion to Adjourd by Chair 2nd by Morris, motion carried.

Submitted by

Van Nelson


NOVEMBER 10 2022 



Call to Order at 7:04 by Chairman Schmidt 

Motion to approve agenda postings by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried 

Motion to approve October minutes by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried 

Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried 

Lone Rock & RC Fire Departments, approval to add fire calls to tax roll for residents of Herdor Trailer Court. 

Motion to pay bills by Chair Schmidt 2nd by Brockway, motion carried 

Motion to Adjourn at 7:30 p.m. by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried 

Submitted by 

Van Nelson 


Call to Order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to approve agenda postings by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Motion to approve July minutes as amended by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Schmidt 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Lone Rock Fire Dept report on file. No report for RC
Caleb Frostman for Wilkinson Auction & Real Estate request for Beighley family re-zone and
parcel farm. Maps by Ted Greenheck for Driftless Area presented. Motion by Brockway 2nd by
Morris to approve rezone as requested, motion carried.
Joy Kirkpatrick representing RV commons a non profit organization for improvement of RV
school district residence including housing and broadband. Stephani Morril of this group will
return to a town meeting with a presentation for the town board.
After much discussion with residents over Air B&B’s in the township the chairman said to be fair
and consistent with past practice, Chairman Schmidt made the motion to approve and move
this issue forward to Richland County Zoning 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Request for new printer for the Treasure, motion to approve request by Schmidt 2nd by
Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to pay bills by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Motion to Adjourn by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried
Submitted by
Van Nelson Clerk

Present:B.&M Meister;Mike McCormick;S.Harig;M&BStrozinsky;Floyd Bartow;R.Olson
Call to Order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:06 p.m.
Motion to Approve Agenda posting by Brockway, 2nd by Morris, motion carried.
Motion to Approve & Accept June minutes by Morris, 2nd by Brockway, motion carried
Motion to Approve Treasurers’ Report by Brockway 2nd by Morris,motion carried.
Richland Center Fire Dept report on file. No Lone Rock report
Motion by Chairman Schmidt to pass re-zoning for Chris Wooley on the Richland County Zoning, 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.
Letter to be drafted for a contiguos plan to include property outside of the main structure for sale of alcoholic beverages. To be attachted to license.
Mark Srozinsky, Sue Harig and others exspessed their concerns over an AB&B on Yeager Lane. Discussion followed was taken, this issue will go before the Richland County Board Aug. 16. Document attatched with these minutes that explains concerns.
Citizens Concerns: Floyd Bartow ask for the board to consider reviewing the light issue at Gregs’ Auto. No action taken not an agenda item.
Motion to pay bills by Chair Schmidt, 2nd by Brockway motion carried.
Motion to Adjourn by Morris 2nd by Brockway motion carried.
Submitted by
Van Nelson

JUNE 9, 2022
Present: R.Schmidt;G.Brockway;R.Morris;V.Nelson;B.Brockway

Call to Order by Chair Schmidt at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to approve agenda postings by Schmidt 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to approve May minutes by Brockway 2nd by Morris, motion carried.
Motion to approve Treasurers’ report by Morris 2ns by Brockway, motion carried.
Lone Rock & RC fire departments no reports.
2nd payment of ARPA money to be received on June 20.
Liquor license for Bat Cave – DJ’s Kwik Stop – Wyoming Saddle Company were approved with a qualifier for Wyoming Saddle Company to appear before the board and explain plans for their business.
Motion to pay bills by Morris 2nd by Brockway motion carried.
Motion to adjourn by Schmidt 2nd by Morris, motion carried.

Submitted by
Van Nelson

MINUTES MAY 12, 2022
Present: G.Brockway;R.Morris;V.Nelson;B.Brockway;Solar Farm Reps.

Call to Order a 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor Brockway.
Motion to approve agenda by Morris 2nd by Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to approve April minutes by Morris 2nd by Brockway motion carried.
Motion to approve Treasurers’ report by Morris 2nd by Brockway motion carried.
Lone Rock & RC Fire Dept reports on file.
Bear Creek Solar Farm representatives gave an update on the solar farm. The work is complete and will start back feeding process on June 1st . There is still some cleanup work to be done and some top soil applied.
Motion to pay bills by Morris 2nd by Brockway motion carried.
Motion to adjourn by Brockway 2nd by Morris motion carried.
Van Nelson

APRIL 19, 2022
Call to Order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:05 p.m.
Discussion on 2022 road maintenance. Munz Road prep work for 5 culverts and fill in to widen.
Brown Church Road single seal approximately $40K Plus chips
Harper Lane maybe seal coat?
Seal coat bid from Scott Construction contract signed, motion by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Chair Schmidt to accept offer estimated 2 to 3 ½ miles, motion carried.
No other business came before annual meeting.
Chairman called for motion to adjourn. Motion by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.

Citizens present: Alex & Stefonie Rose; Kay Werner; Pat Werner; larry Pellet; Brenda Pellet; Marie Nelson; Van Nelson; Randall Schmidt; Gordon Brockway; Ron Morris; Barb Brockway.
Van Nelson

Present: G.Brockway;R.Morris;V.Nelson;B.Brockway;A.J. Christianson;Rep.Fahrner Const.M.Nelson
Call to Order at 7:07 by Supervisor Brockway
Motion to approve agenda postings by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to approve March minutes by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
RC fire dept report on file. No Lone Rock report
Motion to approve Class BLB liquor license for Bat Cave, agent A.J. Christianson by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Seal Coat bids from Scott Construction: $19,155 single seal 20′ – $38,270 double seal 20’
Fahrner Asphalt: $21,270 single seal 20’ -$42,500 double seal 20’
Motion to table accepting bids until April 9, 2022 Annual Meeting by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to Approve Schmidt/Glise CCM and re-zone to Ag-Residential by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Under citizens concern; a request for no parking signs – 1 at Tony Olson driveway north of Town Hall. No Parking sign from Robert Ringelstetter driveway north to hwy 60.
Motion to Adjourn by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Van Nelson Clerk

Present: G.Brockway;R.Morris;V.Nelson;B.Brockway;A.J.Christianson;Shawn Underwood;M.Nelson;F.Bartow.
Call to Order at 7:03 p.m.by Supervisor Brockway
Motion to Approve agenda posting by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to Approve February minutes by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
RC Fire Dept report on file. No Lone Rock meeting
Request for liquor license from A.J. Christianson, the board had some concerns over parking and the length of time business has been closed. The Town Board will take up the request at April meeting.
Motion to Pay Bills by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to Adjourn at 7:30 p.m. by Supervisor Morris, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Van Nelson

FEBRUARY 10, 2022
Attendance: R.Schmidt;GBrockway;RMorris;VNelson;BBrockway;JSchwitsenberg;PWarner;FBartow;MNelson
Meeting called to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to approve agenda posting by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to approve January minutes by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to approve Teasurers’ report by Chair Schmidt 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried
Lone Rock Fire Department report on file. No report for RC Fire Department
Request by Jackie Schwitchzenberg for Lone Rock Ambulance to receive funds from ARPA monies. Motion by Supervisor Brockway that the Town of Buena Vista approve $12K from ARPA funds to the Lone Rock Ambulance after consultation with an advisor, 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Floyd Bartow presented evidence that a local business was in violation of conditions of their condition use permit from Richland County Zoning, and Town Ordinance 2000-2. Conditional Use Permit stated outdoor lighting shall be provided on the outside of the building. Local business had Alliant Energy install a pole with light that produces excessive light and by Town Ordinance 2000-2 inhibits the peaceful enjoyment of residential property during evening and night hours. Township will send this discussion to Richland County Zoning.
Peaches Adult Entertainment representative was not available for meeting.
Motion to pay bills by Chairman Schmidt 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to adjourn by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Next meeting Wednesday March 9, 2022
Respectfully Submitted
Van Nelson

Present, G.Brockway:R.Morris;V.Nelson;B.Brockway;R.Olson;J.Schwitzenberg; P.Warner;

Call to Order by Supervisor Brockway at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to approve agenda posting by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to approve December Minutes by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to approve Treasurers’ report by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Discussion with Jackie Schwitzenberg & Pat Warner for use of ARPA funds for purchase of a Life Pack estimated cost $31,000, with Township funding of $6.000. This will replace BP and EKGs, and difibulator. No action taken by town board but assurance from the town board that there will be funding from ARPA funds for Lone Rock Ambulance.
Motion for a Yield sign to be installed at corner of Gunderson & Fulton Streets was made by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to table payment of bills to at later due to absence of Chairman Schmidt, by Supervisor Brockway, 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to Adjourn by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Van Nelson Clerk

Attendance: C.Morris;S.Chitwood;C.Chitwood; S.Stokes;Bear Creek Solar Reps;R.Schmidt;G.Brockway; B.Brockway;V.Nelson
Call to Order at 7:19 by Chairman Schmidt.
Motion to approve agenda postings by Chair Schmidt, 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to approve November minutes in lieu of printed copies by Chair Schmidt, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Stokes/Chitwood came to an agreement on use of rental property on Needles Lane, both parties asked that process be moved forward to County Zoning.
Presentation by Bear Creek Solar Farm, lots of work already completed: 22,000 galvanized pile drivings are done. Trees and shrubs have been planted. This is a 50 megawatt installation. Interesting talk followed about wire size and installation.
Lone Rock & RC Fire Depts no meetings.
Motion to pay bills by Chair Schmidt, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to Adjourn by “supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Van Nelson Clerk


Call to Order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:04 p.m.
Motion to approve agenda posting by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to approve October minutes by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Scott Sander asked for permission to close off portion of Mickle St and Fulton St. While they move in a new house. Signs and barracade provided by Randy Olson Trucking. Motion to approve by Chair Schmidt 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Lone Rock & RC fire Department reports on file.
Motion to appoint election workers (Karen Gald, Marie Nelson, Sandi Bindl, Lorraine Servais, Barbara Brockway) for 2022 elections, by Chair Schmidt 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Greg Greenheck certified survey map approved, and approval sent to Richland County Zoning.
Motion to pay bills by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to Adjourn by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris. motion carried.
Respectfully submitted
Van Nelson Clerk

Present: C.&S.Schultz;Halversons;B.Wheelock;R. Olson;C.Gruber;K.Gruber;L.Johnson;M.Nelson;S.Shevaya;M.Bodura;R.Schmidt;G.Brockway;R.Morris;V.Nelson;B.Brockway.
Call to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Schmidt
Motion to approve agenda postings by Supervisor Brockway, 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to approve September minutes by Supervisor Morris, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to approve Treasurers’ Report by Supervisor Brockway, 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Wheelock/Shevaya agreed with neighbors to have all vehicles at property on corner of hwy 60 & Fulton St. be kept inside.
Chuck and Sherri Schultz, may move forward on there seasonal rental home on Needles lane. Motion to approve by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Lone Rock fire department report on file
Motion to pay bills by Chair Schmidt, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to adjourn by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Van Nelson Clerk

Present: G.Brockway,R.Morris,V.Nelson,B.Brockway, Billy Schwie, Issabella Toney,Marie Nelson, R. Hohn, R.Hohn Jr.
Call to Order at 7:05 p.m. by Supervisor Brockway.
Motion to approve agenda posting by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to approve August minutes by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to approve Treasurers’ Report by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to approve conditional use permit for Halleluia House of Hope for food pantry building by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, montion carried.
Motion to approve application for conditional use permit for Sheila Shevauya/Bruce Wheelock for car lot on corner of Fulton & Hwy 60 by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Isabella Tony application for Organic Vegetable store and Adult Entertainment tabled for incomplete application, by motion from Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Lone Rock & RC Fire Departments no reports
Motion to Pay Bills by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to Adjourn by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Van Nelson Clerk

AUGUST 12, 2021 Minutes
Present: MindyMcCarthy;DaleServais;J.Newkirk;J&VEdges;Z.McNamer;R.Wilson;D.Banker;E.Jensen;C.Garner;
R.Morris;G.Brockway;B.Brockway;V.Nelson;E.Brownlee;D.Pauls;R.Schmidt;N.Pulvermacher;B.Voyce;J.HemigR.Olson;F.Bartow;I.Tony;Cameo Richmond;Marsha
Call to Order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to approve Agenda postings by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to Approve July minutes as read by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to Approve Treasurers’ Report by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Approve Variance request by Zach McNamer for 2 outbuildings (one for after the fact – one for building purchased from neighbor) buildings square footage too large for lot size. Motion to approve request by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Presentation by Bear Creek Solar Farm – 50 Megawatt; 540 watt panels; will provide power for over 14,000 homes; township will realize estimated $80,000 in lieu of taxes and the county will realize estimated $150,000 in lieu of taxes.
Dan Banker request variance to re-zone 10 acres on Richard Rassmussen farm from Ag to Ag Residential. Motion to approve variance by Chairman Schmidt 2nd by Supervisor Brockway motion carried.
Motion to authorize clerk to buy new Voting Machine, information on file in clerks office, motion to approve purchase of voting machine by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Lone Rock & RC fire department reports on file.
Discussion on Peaches Organic Vegtables, Juice Bar, and Adult Entertainment business with owner Issabella Tony, Town Board, and Attorney Eileen Brownlee. Attorney Brownlee advised Ms. Tony that she could not operate her business without first applying for an Adult Entertainment License and it be approved by the town board. If Ms. Tony did not understand the ordinance she should consult and attorney and have her attorney contact attorney Brownlee.
Attorney Brownlee was asked by the board on how to proceed with abandoned and or burnt out homes in the township. Attorney Brownlee suggested the town board contact the county building inspector and the owners of the property to receive consent to inspect the properties to see if they are habitable. Otherwise a warrant would be necessary to enter these properties. If property takes 50% of assessed value or more to make habitable then town can order demolition. If property takes less than 50% of assessd value owner has 30 days to raze or repair.
Citizen concerns: another group would like to see Gotham Park improved.
Motion to pay bills by Supervisor Brockway, 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.
Motion to Adjourn by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Van Nelson Clerk

July 8, 2021

Attendance: G Brockway, R Morris, B Brockway, M Nelson, R Olson, L Pellett, B Pellett, S Shevanuya

Call to orders a 7:00pm by Sup Brockway. Motion to approve agenda postings by Sup Morris, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve June minutes by Sup Morris, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Sup Brockway 2nd by Sup Morris, motion carried. Stephanie Shevauya request for used car business on Bruce Wheelock property Hwy 60. If property is zoned properly a motion was made to approve by Sup Brockway 2nd by Sup Morris, motion carried. David Kind property will be referred to town attorney at next meeting on Aug 12, 2021. Jeremy Rice fence around old Methodist Church. No complaints have been filed. township has no authority for private fence. Lone Rock Fire Dept: No report RC Fire Dept report on file. town donated $1,000 to Ithaca First Responders, $5,000 to Lone Rock Ambulance, $1060 for insurance for Ithaca/Willow/Richland emergency medical teams. Motion by Sup Brockway 2nd by Sup Morris to approve, motion carried. Motion to pay bills by Sup Brockway 2nd by Sup Morris, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Sup Morris 2nd by Sup brockway, motion carried. Respectively submitted, Van Nelson, Clerk



Call to Order at 7:00 p.m.
Approve agenda posting, motion by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried
Approve May minutes, motion by SupervisorBrockway 2nd by Supervior Morris, motion carried.
May Treasurers’ report, motion by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
No Fire Dept reports
DJ’s Kwik Stop & Chuckwagon liquor license approved, motion by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris.
Motion to pay bills by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Motion to adjourn by Suprvisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted
Van Nelson

Motion t

May 13, 2021 Monthly Meeting

Call to order by by Supervisor Brockway at 7:00pm. Present were G Brockway, R Morris, V Nelson, B Brockway. Motion to approve agenda posting by Sup Morris, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve April minutes by Sup Morris, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Sup Morris, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Fire Department reports on file. Motion to pay bills by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Morris, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Morris, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Van Nelson Clerk.

April 20, 2021 Town of Buena Vista Annual Meeting

Meeting called to order by Ch Schmidt at 7:07 pm. Present were Mr and Mrs Larry Pellett, Mr and Mrs Pat Werner, Leroy Johnson, Dan Banker (non resident), Scott Sander (non resident), Marie Nelson, Floyd Bartow Jr, B Brockway, G Brockway, R Morris, R Schmidt. Town of Buena Vista elected officials: Randall Schmidt Chairman, Van Nelson Clerk, Barbara Brockway, treasurer, Gordon Brockway and Ron Morris Supervisors, were sworn in by Marie Nelson. Scott Sander and Leroy Johnson have some issues with their neighbor, some of this is a civil matter while other issues will be addressed by the Town Board. Land owned by Linda Badger corner of 2rd and Hwy 60 has a hole that needs filled in, clerk will contact her. Dan Banker requested a zoning change, was recommended that he be on the agenda for the May 13, 2021 meeting. Chand Clary lawn mowing and ground maintenance request to remove brush and undergrowth at Lone Rock Cemetery at a price the same as one lawn mowing. Motion by Ch Schmidt 2nd by Sup Brockway to approve request, motion carried. Question on why web site not updated, A reminder to board there is not charge for this service and is done when time permits. Comprehensive Planning needs updating, a committee will need to be appointed. Annual meeting for 2022 will be the 3rd Tuesday in April. Motion to adjourn by Marie Nelson, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Van Nelson, clerk.

April 8, 2021

Present: R Schmidt, G Brockway, D Neefe, V Nelson, Brockway, R Olson, P Layton, M Nelson, F Bartow.

Call to order by Ch Schmidt a 7:08 pm. Motion to approve agenda posting by Ch Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve March minute by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Sup Neefe 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Patrick Layton lot line variance, motion to approve and move to County Zoning by Ch Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Lone Rock and Richland Center Fire Depts, no meetings. Opened bids for seal coating and crack filling. Fahner: Price: $16,867.00 per mile single seal. $33,734.00 per mile. Scott: $17,482.00 per mile single seal $34,964.00 per mile double seal. Both contracts on file with liability insurance. After discussion about crack filling, chip size, and pot hole filling motion was made by Ch Schmidt 2nd by Sup Neefe to accept Scott Construction bid, motion carried. Motion to pay bills by Ch Schmidt 2nd by Sup Neefe motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Sup Brockway 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Respectively submitted Van Nelson, clerk.

March 11, 2021

Call to order by CH Schmidt at 7:05pm. Motion to approve agenda posting by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve February minutes by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Alan Eggers request that his mining be renewed by County Zoning. Motion to approve request by CH Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Tony Dougherty of Rural Insurance went through our policy. Added voting machines on schedules and raised content to $50,000. Pat Werner inquired about ordinance for ATV/UTV trails on CTH’s B, BB, BA and Hwy 14 bridge. Clerk explained that these are county highways and the township does not have authority to authorize the operation of ATV/UTV on these roads or federal bridge on Hwy 14. Clerk to have conversation with county highway Comissioner on this issue. Motion to pay bills by CH Schmidt, motion carried. Citizen concerns: Richland Solar Farm has been renamed Bear Creek Solar. Letters to be sent to residents that have cars, junk cars, junk in general has to be removed from the road right away. Motion to adjourn at 7:50pm. Respectfully submitted Van Nelson, clerk.

February 11, 2021

Present: R Schmidt, G Brockway, D Neefe, V Nelson, B Brockway, T Fruit, R Morris M Nelson, B Helmich

Call to order by CH Schmidt at 7:00pm. Motion to approve agenda postings by SP Brockway, 2nd by SP Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve January minutes by SP Brockway, 2nd by SP Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ Report by SP Brockway, 2nd by Sp Neefe, motion carried. Lone Rock and RC Fire Dept reports on file. Travis asked for variance for building to exceed lot limits, motion to approve by SP Brockway, 2nd by SP Neefe, motion carried. Jason Reese request the Township send a letter to Bradley Schoenmann at 32799 Albert Ln Lone Rock, Wi. for possible violation of Township Ordinance 2000-2 (a public nusiance ordianance) for creating substantial light pollution with a dusk to dawn light, motion to authorize Clerk to send a letter by CH Schmidt, 2nd by SP Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve Bethany Helmich request to join 2 lots in 1 on Donna Mae Ln. Motion to approve by CH Schmidt, 2nd by SP Brockway, motion carried. Motion to Pay Bills by CH Schmidt, 2nd by SP Neefe, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by SP Neefe, 2nd by SP Brockway, motion carried Respectfully submitted Van Nelson, Clerk.


Present: R Schmidt, G Brockway, D Neefe, V Nelson, B Brockway, R Morris, R Olson

Call to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:00 pm.

Motion to approve agenda postings by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve December 2020 minutes by CH Schmidt, 2ny by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. No reports for Lone Rock Fire Dept, Richland Center Fire report on file. Greg Greenheck ask for rezoning of 2.49 acres from Ag to residential, motion by CH Schmidt , 2nd by Sup Brockway to approve, motion carried. Motion to pay bills by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Van Nelson, Clerk.

December 10, 2020

Present: R Schmidt, G Brockway, D Neefe, V Nelson, B Brockway, R Olson Mrs Micah Wilson, R Morris

Call to order by Ch Schmidt at 7:03pm. Motion to approve agenda

November 12, 2020 by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve November minutes by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Lone Rock and RC Fire reports- no reports. Request by Micah Wilson for zoning variance for 1.9 acres to be used as 1 residence only at 27888 US Highway Richland Center. Motion by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to pay bills by CH Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Sup Brockway, 2nd by sup Neefe, motion carried. Respectfully submitted Van Nelson, Clerk.

Present: G Brockway, D Neefe, R Morris, R Olson, M Nelson, R Curak, Mrs Wilson, B Brockway

Call to order by Sup Brockway at 7:01pm. Motion to approve agenda postings by Sup Neefe 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve October minutes as printed by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Lone Rock and RC FIre Departments., no reports. Motion to approve Boat Landing Ordinance by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. 2021 budget approved. Motion by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve variance for Andy Kurtz by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to pay bills by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Citizens concern: Questions by Mrs Micah WIlson on variance, no action taken, not on agenda. Respectfully submitted Van Nelson, Clerk.

October 8, 2020

Present: Joe Kloehn, Jonathan Novy, Larry Pellett, Pat Werner, Dennis Pauls, Steve Board, Ro Morris, Marie Nelson, Randy Schmidt, Gordon Brockway, Dave Neefe, Barb Brockway, Van Nelson.

Call to order by CH Schmidt at 7:04. Motion to approve agenda posting by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve September minutes by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Lone Rock and RC Fire Dept reports on file. Motion to approve variance for Dennis Pauls for 30 x 30 building Ch Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve lot line variance for John Hillenbrand for a 54 x 60 building on Jesse St in Lone Rock by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Steve Board from Richland Center School District gave presentation on upcoming referendum. Motion to pay bills by CH Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Respectfully submitted Van Nelson, Clerk

September 10, 2020

Present: R Schmidt, G Brockway, D Neefe, B Brockway, V Nelson, R Olson, R Morris, M Nelson

Call to order by CH Schmidt at 7:00pm.

Motion to approve agenda posting by CH Schmidt, 2nd by SP Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve August minutes by SP Brockway 2nd by CH Schmidt, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ report by CH Schmidt 2nd by SP Brockway, motion carried. Lone Rock and RC Fire Dept reports. Motion to approve Kaul Park rezone by CH Schmidt 2nd by SP Neefe, motion carried. Motion to reply to letter from Tri County Airport that the Town of Buena Vista is not interested in approving any more drainage work until others have done some work in kind. Motion by SP Brockway 2nd by SP Neefe, motion carried. Motion to pay bills by CH Schmidt 2nd by SP Brockway, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by SP Neefe, 2nd by SP Brockway, motion carried. Respectfully, Van Nelson Clerk

August 13,2020

Present: R Schmidt, G Brockway, D Neefe, V Nelson, B Brockway, R Olson, R Morris, L Pellett, P Werner. M Nelson

Call to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:09pm. Motion to approve agenda posting by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve July minutes by Ch Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve Treasurers’ report by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Lone Rock and RC Fire departments reports on file. Mica Wilson variance, no action taken. Motion to adjourn at 7:45pm by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Van Nelson-Clerk.

July 9, 2020


Call to order by Supervisor Brockway at 7:00pm

Motion to approve agenda postings by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve June minutes by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve Treasurers’ report by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway. Motion to approve variance for Bill Tousaint in Clary Lane by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. No Fire Department reports. Motion to pay bills by Sup Neefe, 2n by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Respectfully submitted by Van Nelson, clerk.

JUNE 11,2020

Present: R Schmidt, G Brockway. D Neefe, V Nelson, B Brockway, R Olson, R Morris, Fahrner Asphalt Representative, Scott Construction Representative, Micah Wilson, M Nelson.

Call to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:00pm. Motion to approve agenda postings by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve May minutes by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve Treasurers report by CH Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Richland Center Fire Dept report on file. No meeting for Lone Rock Fire Dept. Town board decided no permits for fireworks displays. Contract proposal by Fahrner Asphalt for crack filing and sealcoating. Scott Construction contract proposal for crack filling and sealcoating are on file. Fahrner Asphalt was selected for this seasons repair. Motion to accept Fahrner bid by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Micah Wilson variance sent back to Richland County Zoning for clarification on land use and purchase of additional property for septic system. Motion to pay bills by CH Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by CH Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Respectfully submitted Van Nelson, clerk.

May 14, 2020

Call to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:00p.m. Motion to approve agenda postings by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve April minutes by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve Treasurers’ report by Chair Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Lone Rock Fire Dept-no meeting, RC Fire Dept on file. Ordinance for discharge of firearms was presented to the town board for consideration. After some discussion the Chair and Sup Neefe would like to review ordinance and statutes ‘efore the ordinance is considered for approval. Town cleanup was rescheduled to August 28, 2020 8:00am to 1pm. Micah Wilson request for variance was put on hold till June meeting. Motion to pay Bills by Chair Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Citizen concern by Ron Morris as to legitimacy of one of our Chief inspectors as the last election. Elections are required to have at least Chief Inspector and because of Covid-19 the other Chief Inspectors were uncomfortable working so a decision had to be made so elections could take place. Chair Schmidt expressed gratitude to those 5 individuals who worked at the polls that day under extreme conditions. The town is very appreciative of those 5 individuals who put their health at risk and stepped up to work, some of which were not residence of Buena Vista township. Motion to adjourn by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Respectfully submitted by Van Nelson, clerk.

April, 2020 no meeting held due to Covid-19.

March 10 , 2020

Call to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:00 p.m. Present were Randy Schmidt, Dave Neefe, Van Nelson, Gordon Brockway, Barbara Brockway, Allen Eggars. Motion to approve agenda postings by Supervisor Brockway, 2nd by Supervisor Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve February minutes by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve Treasurers report by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Lone Rock and RC Fire Departments reports on file. Allan Eggers granted permission on north side of his property by power lines for future development. Motion by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to pay bills by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Sup Brockway 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Van Nelson, Clerk.

FEBRUARY 13, 2020

Call to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:03 p.m.

Present: R Schmidt, G Brockway, D Neefe, V Nelson, B Brockway, R Olson, R Klingaman, J Klingaman, R Morris, M Nelson, M Reider. Motion to approve agenda postings by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve January minutes by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve Tresaurers’ report by Ch Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Lone Rock and RC Fire Dept reports are on file. Clerk will send letter to Kevin Rutkowski on privacy fence issue. Clerk will send a letter to Lawrence Raby on driveway issue. Motion to pay bills by Ch Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to adjorn meeting by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Respectfully submitted by Clerk, Van Nelson.

JANUARY 9, 2020

Call to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:00pm. Present: R Schmidt, G. Brockway, D. Neefe, V Nelson, B Brockway, R Olson, R Morris, J Klingaman, R Klingaman. Motion to approve agenda postings by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe. Motion to approve December 2019 minutes by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve Treasurers’ report by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. No Fire Dept reports. Furnace bids were presented by Wertz Plumbing and Heating, Jelinek Plumbing and Heating, Klingamen Heating and AC. The Klingaman bid was accepted for 1 two stage furnace, 1 single stage furnace at a cost of $5,975.00 installed. First installment of $3,500.00 paid up front, balance due in February after job completion. Motion to approve purchase by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to pay bills by Sup Borckway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Respectfully submitted by Van Nelson, Town Clerk.

DECEMBER 12, 2019

Call to order at 7:03pm by Chairman Schmidt

Present: R. Schmidt, G. Brockway, D. Neefe, V Nelson, B. Brockway, R. Olson, M. Nelson, R. Morris, J. Klingaman.

Motion to approve agenda postings by Supervisor Neefe, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve November minutes by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve Treasurers’ report by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Neefe, motion carried. Lone Rock and R.C. Fire Depts reports on file. Conditional Use Permit for Jared Klingaman for a 30 by 40 building that exceeds property square footage in Clary addition, motion to approve by Supervisor Neefe 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Motion to pay bills by Supervisor Neefe 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Neefe, motion carried. Respectfully submitted Van Nelson, Clerk.

November 14, 2019

Present: R. Schmidt, G. Brockway, D.Neefe, V. Nelson, B. Brockway, M. Nelson, R. Morris, R. Olson, M. McCormick, Theresa McCormick. Call to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:00pm.

Motion to approve agenda by Supervisor Brockway, 2nd by Supervisor Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve October minutes by Supervisor Brockway, 2nd by Supervisor Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve Treasurers’ report by Supervisor Brockway, 2nd by Supervisor Neefe, motion carried. RC fire dept report on file. Letter from Progressive Ins. Would not pay for motorcycle wreck on Hwy 60. Clerk to write a letter in response. Chairman Schmidt will place a call to Progressive Ins before letter is drafted.

Motion to approve liquor license for Chuckwagon (formerly the Pit) by Supervisor Neefe, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve 2020 budget as presented by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Motion to pay bills by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Supervisor Brockway, 2nd by Supervisor Neefe, motion carried. Respectfully submitted by Van Nelson, Clerk.

October 10, 2019 Minutes

Call to order by Supervisor Brockway at 7:00pm.

Present: G Brockway, D Neefe, B Brockway, V Nelson, M Nelson, R Morris, R Olson

Motion to approve agenda postings by Supervisor Neefe 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve September minutes by Supervisor Neefe 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve Treasurers’ report by Supervisor Neefe 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Lone Rock Fire Dept report on file. Motion to approve Schmidt Farm West conditional use permit by Supervisor Neefe 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Supervisor Neefe 2nd by Supervisor Brockway.

Respectfully submitted Van Nelson Town Clerk

Septemer 12, 2019 Minutes

Called to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:00pm. Present: R. Schmidt, G. Brockway, D. Neefe, B. Brockway, V. Nelson, M. Nelson, R. Olson, Jennifer Clark, Jacobson, R. Morris, A. Eggers.Motion to approve agenda postings by Sup Brockway 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve August minutes as amended, by Sup Neefe 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Sup Brockway 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Lone Rock and R.C fire dept reports on file. Allan Eggers request for liquor license was referred to county zoning for zoning requirements. Jennifer Clark was given okay yo clean and prepare Gotham park for 2020 wedding. New sign will be installed on town dump gate (24 hour notice to open gate). Motion to,pay bills by Sup Brockway 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Ch Schmidt 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Respectfully submitted Van Nelson Town Clerk.

August,2019 minutes: Meeting was called to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:00pm. Present: R Schmidt, G.Brockway, D. Neefe, B. BRockway, V. Nelson, R. Olson, R. MCCollough, J. KLexknor, M. Nelson. Motion to approve agenda by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve July minutes by Sup Brockway 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Sup Brockway 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion by CH Schmidt 2nd by Sup Brockway to approve conditional use permit for outside storage unit for Rich MCCollough. Motion to pay bills by Sip Neefe 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Citizens Concerns: Jay Kleckner asked about park improvements, was told a plan was still needed and fund raising ideas. Motion to adjourn by Sup Brockway 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Respectfullu submitted Van Nelson, Town Clerk.

July 2019 Minutes:

Call to order by supervisor Brockway at 7:00pm. Present: G. Brockway, D. Neefe, B. Brockway, V. Nelson, M. Nelson, J. Kleckner, Don Wedors’ R. Olson.

Motion to approve agenda postings by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve June minutes by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Richland Center Fire Dept report on file. Motion to pay bills by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Respectfully submitted by Van Nelson, Town Clerk.

June 13, 2019 Minutes:

Call to order by Chairman SCHMIDT AT 7:04 pm. Present: R. Schmidt, G. Brockway, D. Neefe, R. Olson, P. Warner, R. Morris, R. Pellett, M. Nelson, W Lunk, V. Nelson, B, Brockway, J. Kleckner.

Thank you note was received from Lone Rock Ambulance for donation for the Lucas Machine. Motion to approve agenda postings by Sup Brockway, 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve May minutes as read by Sup Neefe, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers report as presented by Ch Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve Liquor License for D.J. Kwik Stop, The Pit, Los Amigos II. Los Amigos for 6 month license (license to be prorated and monies returned if less than 6 months). The Bat Cave license denied until personal property tax and application for renewal is returned and license paid for, so moved by Supervisor Neefe, and 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve an amendment to ATV/UTV routes for County highways B, BB, BA and to cross Highway 14 bridge to Schuerman Rd by Sup Brockway 2nd by Sup Neefe, motion carried. Jake Kleckner asked about improvements for Gotham Park. Board requested he come back with some form of plan and fund raising ideas. Richland Center Fire report on file. Scott Construction was awarded bid for Asphalt Hot mix paving for Moore Rd, approximately 0.99 miles x 20′ wide. Price per ton: $62.98 approximately $123,314.84. The Kraemer company bid was accepted for: The price to deliver and spread 3/4″ or 1 1/4″ gravel to Moore Rd at $9.15 per cubic yard or $6.78 per ton. The price to pulverize only would be $4,195.00 per mile. Other conditions may apply that are noted in both contracts. Motion to accept Scott Construction and The Kraemer Company by Ch. Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Letter or e-mail were sent to D.L. Gasser and WK construction for participating in road construction bids. Wayne Lunk expressed concerns about drainage in Clary addition. No action taken, item was not on the agenda. Motion to adjourn by Ch Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Respectfully submitted Van Nelson, Town Clerk.

Town of Buena Vista Road Tour minutes. Board met at Town Hall at 11:00am on May 1, 2019. Present: Randy Schmidt, Randy Olson, Gordon Brockway, Dave Neefe, Van Nelson. Town board along with Randy Olson toured township roads with the following results. Junk and vehicles at 33019 Fulton. Need gravel at boat landing (share cost with DNR). Moore Rd, south of Hwy 14 needs gravel. Moore Rd north side of Hwy 14, grind and re-lay .99 miles with 3″ asphalt. Brown church rd partial ditch cleaning. Old Sextonville Rd 1.2 miles needs seal coating. Returned to Town Hall at 1:30pm. Van Nelson, Clerk

May 7, 2019 minutes

Call to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:03p.m. Present: R.Schmidt, G.Brockway, D. Neefe, V. Nelson, B.Brockway, Russ Jones, Marie Nelson, P.Warner, R.Olson, R.Morris, T.Dougherty. Motion to approve agenda by Sup. Brockway 2nd by Sup. Neefe, motion carried. Motion to approve April minutes and Annual Meeting minutes, with addition to annual minutes, new Town board was sworn in by Barbara Voyce, so moved by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve Treasurer’s report Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Russ Jones requested re-zoning of 1 acre at 32825 Hwy 14 from commercial to residental, motion to approve bu Sup. Brockway 2nd by Sup Neefe. Pat Warner as for amendment to Ordinance 2008-1 for ATV/UTV route from County Hwy B across Highway 14 bridge to Schuerman Rd. Pat Warner representing the Lone Rock Ambulance ask for a donation for the purchase of a Lucas Heart Compression Machine. Chairman Schmidt made a motion to donatreto $5,000.00,to help cover the cost, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Rural Insurance Agent Tony Dougherty presented a short version of the township policy. Lone Rock Fire Dept on file. Morion to pay bills by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Sup. Borckway, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Sup Brockway, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Van Nelson, Clerk

April 18, 2019 at 7pm.

Those present: Randall Schmidt, David Neefe, Gordon Brockway, Barbara Brockway, Van Nelson, Barbara Voyce, Randy Olson, Ron Morris, Scot Sander, Marie Nelson.

The Chair asked for business to be brought up at annual meeting, being none, the Chair adjourned the meeting and could reconvene if necessary.

April 18 monthly meeting, 2019

Call to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:06pm.

Motion to approve minutes as read, by supervisor Brockway 2nd by chairman Schmidt, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ report as presented by chairman Schmidt, 2nd by supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Debbie Ferguson request the power line that goes through her property to the town park be removed. Motion to notify Alliant Energy that the township has authorized this removal, motion by supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Lone Rock and RC Fire dept reports on file. Road tour date to be determined depending on weather. Motion to pay bills by supervisor Brockway, 2nd by supervisor Neefe, motion carried. Citizen concerns: Barbara Voyce announced the Richland County Water forum would be meeting at the Buena Vista townhall on Saturday May 4, 2019 from 3-5 pm to discuss water quality in Richland County and the Driftless area. Ron Morris questioned the legality of a town website, chairman Schmidt will follow up on this question. Respectfully submitted by Van Nelson

March minutes, 2019

Call to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:10p.m. All present.

Motion to approve agenda postings by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried. Motion to approve February minutes as read by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried. Motion to approve Treasurers’ report as presented by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve re-zoning of property owned by Amos Vande Heinback to Ag-residential bybSupervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor motion carried. Sextonville drainage issue at Alan Cockroft property referred to Ken Anderson of USDAFSA, Richland County. Lone Rock and RC Fire Dept reports on file. Motion to pay bills by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by Van Nelson Town Clerk

Thursday February 11, 2019

Call to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:00pm

Motion to approve agenda postings by Supervisor Brockway, 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried. Motion to approve January minutes by Supervisor Brockwau 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Close account with Community First Bank. Motion to approve liquor license for John Gillingham DBA Bat Cave, after proof of lease agreement and personal property tax is paid, motion by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried. Motion to approve CUP for Ryan Larson for auto body shop in Bruce Wheelock building on Hwy 60 by Chairman Schmidt 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Lone Rock no fire report, RC fire dept report on file. Motion to pay bills by Chairman Schmidt 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted, Van Nelson, Town Clerk

Thursday January 10, 2019

Call to order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:09 p.m.,

Motion to approve agenda posting by Supervisor Brockway, 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried. Motion to approve December 2018 minutes by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Supervisor Brockwy, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurers’ report by Supervisor Brockway, 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried. Lone Rock and RC fire departments, no reports. Motion to pay bills by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Supervisor Brockway, 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted, Van Nelson Town Clerk.

Thursday December 13, 2018 minutes

Call to Order by Chairman Schmidt at 7:10 p.m.

Motion to approve agenda by Chairman Schmidt, 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. November minutes read by Chairman Schmidt, with no additions or corrections. A motion was made to approve by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried. Motion to approve Oct 25 (Solar)minutes by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.

Greg Martin request for rezoning of property at Fulton and Gunderson Street in Gotham. Motion to approve by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Alan Eggers request to divide acreage was approved, motion to approve by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway motion carried

Ederle request to allow construction of 1 more building on property in Whispering Pines subdivision was approved motion by Supervisor Morris 2nd by Supervisor Brockway, motion carried. Motion to approve lawn mowing contract as presented by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisre Morris, motion carried. Treasurer’s report: Motion to approve treasurer’s report, with approval to move $169k from Community Bank to People’s Bank, also move $59,326.69 CD from Richland County Bank to People’s Bank by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried. Clerk reported on the town dump, DNR inspection found monitoring wells needed locks and tags,garbage was found and must be cleaned up, forcing the township to lock the gate and sign for no trespassing. For now brush will still be allowed in part of the dump. Randy Olson’ township maintenance patrolman is aware of some other work to be, i.e. Some ground cover and some seeding needed. Motion to pay Bills by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried. The clerk was asked by County Clerk to bring himself and 2 poll workers to court house to canvas votes of November 6 election. Ward 4 was questioned, after canvassing it was determined the results were correct. However, there were some discrepancies in the new voter registration. Clerk ensured the County Clerk that the township would be more diligent in both areas during elections. Motion to adjourn by Supervisor Brockway 2nd by Supervisor Morris, motion carried.

Respectlt submitted

Van Nelson Town Clerk

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