A Welcome

Address: 32886 S Third St Gotham WI 53540

Buena Vista has a population of 1,807 as of January 2020. Their are approximately 1,432 residents of voting age. Buena Vista township has 10.37% of the county’s total population, making it the 2nd most populous community. The unincorporated communities of Gotham and Sextonville are located within the township. Both Gotham and Sextonville have U. S. Post offices. Next to the Gotham post office is a Free Little Library. The township has a total area of 42 square miles. There are 3 School Districts within the township, Ithaca, Richland Center and River Valley. The township has the following cemeteries: Bear Valley, Button, Jennings, Lone Rock, Richland City, Saint Killian and Sextonville. The Lone Rock Cemetery is under the direction of Buena Vista. The Sexton is Van Nelson and he may be contacted by calling 608-583-2406. Plots are for sale.

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